Thursday, 3 March 2016

World Book Day

Today was World Book Day, Year 4 celebrated it by dressing up as characters from the Iron Man book by Ted Hughes, here are some photos;


As well as a reading session we also made some model Iron Men, they truly were fantastic, here they are; 

I'm really impressed Year 4, what a fab day!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Science Learning Logs

Here is a sample of the fantastic science learning logs;

Tell me something you learn during our skeleton and digestive system unit...

D.Side Alcohol

On Tuesday D.Side came in to discuss alcohol with us, we learnt about what is an acceptable amount to drink and the effects it would have on us.

We walked down the conscience alley and we tried to persuade each other to drink or not to drink!
What did your conscience tell you to do?

Some pupils even got chance to where some beer goggles, making us aware of what happens to peoples eyesight if they've drank too much!

Here are some photos of the session

Writing a newspaper

This week we have been looking at what a newspaper article needs to include, can you remember what?

Here is a link to one of the sites we've used

Try the quiz to test what you know