Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Black History Month

October is Black History Month and as part of this we have looked at an African American artist called Jacob Lawrence, he painted a series of 60 slides depicting the African American migration from the south of America to the north, here is a link to a website showing his work;

We drew our own versions of the migration series, here are some examples;

In the south the black people had to work in the fields so the white people.

When the people migrated north the homes were cramped.

There were different water fountains for the black and white people.

During the Red Summer, white people bombed the black peoples homes.

An example of segregation.

I was so impressed by the children's work, what part of the series did you draw?

1 comment:

  1. I drew the red summer

    from Maddison Tonkinson yr4
